Friday, 29 July 2011

On board the train of prosperity and abundance....

....oh yes, it's pay day Friday!
I'm feeling rich although I have a gammy elbow after clumsily falling over yesterday whilst running for the train, but luckily not the arm with the hand I draw with. So let the stalking continue....

Man, counting out his reddies

Man deciding what to spend his reddies on

Lady doing her sums

Skint already!

Thursday, 28 July 2011

Thursday's child has far to go....

....well only two stops, via finsbusy Park....

Money for nothing was blairing out of this woman's headphones

'toxed up to the max

Patrick, reading through his Sky at Night script

Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Make way, artist on board the 8:02 to Kings Cross....

Not only did I have to leg it for my train this morning, there was only one seat left, a seat sandwiched between two ol' boys. So I held my sketch book high to conceal my drawing, at the same time making it darn obvious I was sketching. But to my amazement no one noticed, not one glance or comment and consequently managed to captured these two lads....

The modern day attire of British Summer time - a hoodie and a jacket!

Praying for a hot summer?

Oooh baby, what's that frowzy smell?

Well, being the executive high flier that I am, my food on the go choice of the afternoon was a Cornish Pastie. Blimey, never again on stuffy train. Did someone plant a stink bomb in that pastie or what?

Ere love, can you smell my beef pastie?

....I think Fred can.

Eyeliner and a bit of lippy - and why not!

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

All aboard the 9:02, along side the Rotarians

Eavesdropping this morning  lead me to discover I was sharing seats with fellow Rat Racers who were part of the Rotary Club. How wonderful it was sharing a carriage with such honourable gents with such strong business ethics....

This guy was having a full on conversation with his colleague, whilst listening to his headphones and gently bopping his head to his tunes.

Brogue Trader

A much favoured item of footwear for the the inner city Rat Racer - both classic and contemporary at the same time - big up to the lovable brogue!
British Brogue

Monday, 25 July 2011

Monday's Mob on the 8:57 to Finsbury Park

This guy falls asleep a few times as he is reading, that's why he has the napkin tucked under his chin to catch the dribble

Painting the town red on a Friday night....

Blindo'd (again!)
I sketched this guy another time a few weeks ago on my way home on a Friday night. This brother sure knows how to get wrecked. It's also funny to see him on my train sometimes in the mornings looking like butter wouldn't melt....

Friday, 22 July 2011

Ladies and gent on Friday's 9:02 to Kings Cross

Her best Queen Victoria pose

Dotty chinny chin chin

He was blowing out greenies by the bucket load but still had a smile on his face

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Wide awake on Wednesday's 9:02 to Kings Cross

Lembit Opik jawline

Bad boy headphones

Wow! I love the little sprigs of hair fallig out of the quif

Cutie, looks like Richard Briers

Looking slick on the 17:27 to Welwyn Garden City

This dapper gent could teach the youths of today a thing or two about fashion sense and smart hair grooming....
Slicked to perfection

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Just about squeezing my big bonce onto the 8:02 to Kings Cross

An unusually busy train this morning for some reason. Once on, everyone was occupied, either falling asleep, reading, listening to tunes, texting, emailing, speaking on phones, whilst some of us were busy drawing....

Monday, 18 July 2011

The 8:02 to Nashville....

....via Graceland
Elvis lives....

....this man agrees

....whilst this man's busy thinking about what haircut to have next.

Friday, 15 July 2011

TFI Friday

Today I got spectacularly rumbled drawing the man below, with the Simon Cowell hairline. The guy who clocked me, waited for the train to stop at Kings Cross, bearing in mind it was a full carriage, and at the top his voice ask, "Can we have a look at your drawing?" Everyone turned around. Unlike my observation, you could've been a bit more discreet mate!  I told him they were crappy doodles, nowt spesh and legged it off the train.

Ooops, a little windswept as the carriage doors open
Simon Cowell hair line bloke I was drawing when I got rumbled

Who's Jimmy Cagney on the blower to?

Rock on Tommy with your fantastically lacquered barnet

A Rat Racer in the making

Hope you're all looking super dapper again on Monday Rat Racers. One love x

Thursday, 14 July 2011

The Cocoon Carriage

A later train today, with not a rat racer in sight. Step back and make way for the real cool dudes....

Dolly birds

Cute as a button

The Likely Lads

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

WWF (Wednesday's Work Force)

These are the peeps who help keep our capital's ecomomy ticking over on a daily basis.

The fly catcher